Who we are
Asset and Equity Acquisition
Energy Sector
Resources Sector
Infrastructure Projects
Renewable Projects
Funding and IPO opportunities
Project Funding
Asset and Equity Management Funds
IPO opportunity development in Australia
PE, AM, VC, Direct Investment
Property Investment
Commercial Properties
Residential Properties
Project Development Funding
We represent Korean investors in Australia
Korean EPCM, Power, Renewable
Small to Medium Cap Companies
What we do
Asset/Equity investment
IPO coordination in Australia
Market research
Deal Sourcing
Acquisition local support
Real Estates
Property Investment deal souring
Property Investment partnering
Property Acquisition Local Support
Investment fund
Managed fund deal sourcing
Managed fund deal local solution
Service for Project participation
Marketed Projects
Local Representation
Local Partnership
Commercialisation and sales of the projects
Project Reference
Wodonga Solar Power Pty Ltd
Heliades is a leading deal source and key investment partner for Korean companies. We created a Joint Venture, Wodonga Solar Power Pty Ltd, which predeveloped a 64MW Photovotaic Solar Farm at Wodonga a Regional Victorian city which is located close to the border between Victoria and NSW. We invited Korean development (S-energy) and financial partners (GS Global) to the relevant stage of the project, supported the project with local resources, and provided management services to the critical stage of the projects. As the power plant development was close to be completed at the end of last year, the sale of the Wodonga Solar Power Business was initiated, and on “Date”, the development project was successfully concluded by signing a Heads of Agreement with a prominent global investment company. The plant is approaching the ultimate stage of development and will be connected the 66KV Distribution Network owned and operated by one of the largest Designated Network Service Providers in Australia (AusNet).
Now Heliades is developing further for mid size infrastructure development and managed funds investment opportunities together with Korean companies.
Heliades는 한국 호주 공동 출자 태양광 발전 프로젝트인 Wodonga Solar Power (WSP) project를 초기 기획, 투자, 개발을 참여하여 성공적으로 프로젝트를 진행하였습니다. 우동가 솔라 파워 프로트는 DC 출력기준 64MW의 중형 발전소사업으로 개발되었고 Heliades는 현지 Resourcing, 현지 경영 업무, 회계/세제/법률 지원업무로 이 개발 투자사업을 이끌었습니다. 2017년 직접 지분출자를 시작으로, 한국의 중견 태양광기업인 S-Energy 개발투자를 유치하고, 프로젝트 중반 2018년엔 GS Global이 단기금융파트너로 참여하는, 개발투자를 측면 지원했습니다.
지난해 말 본발전소 개발사업이 마무리되면서 사업권 매각을 진행해 왔으며, 투자회사와 사업매각에 대한 주요조건 합의서를 체결하며 성공적으로 개발사업이 마무리 되는 중입니다. 투자사와의 합의서 체결은 인허가 규정이 까다로운 호주에서 발전소 개발사업을 성공적으로 마쳤을 뿐아니라, 수익구조 또한 인정받은 매각이라는 점에서 의미가 크다고 볼수 있습니다 .
현재 Heliades는 중소형 인프라개발 및 매너지드 펀드 투자사업들을 기획, 유치, 지원하며 사업영역을 넓히고 있습니다.
- http://www.inews24.com/view/1252842
- http://www.etoday.co.kr/news/view/1875060
- http://www.paxetv.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=88897
- http://www.sisamagazine.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=316371
- https://www.fnnews.com/news/202003251506050122
Our address
Head Office
Heliades Pty Ltd
Farrer House
Lvl 9, 24 Collins St
Melbourne, Vic , 3000
Email: info@heliades.org
Tel: +61(3)85779500
Australian enquiries
Email: dtownsend@heliades.org
Korean enquiries (한국어 문의)
Email: ykim@heliades.org
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: